2011. 3. 17. 09:16 아이폰

완전 퍼왔씁니다  그림만 보면 이행 충분히 가실듯.

How to create a FullScreen iPhone Application

In this short tutorial I’m going to show you how to build an FullScreen iPhone application. This article might be useful for everyone who wants to create a game for the iPhone platform. You will need the Apple Developer tools and the iPhone SDK installed on your computer to finish this tutorial.

Take 1: Interface Builder

Create a new project with the View-Based Application template.

Create a new View-Based Application

Double-Click FullScreenViewController.xib to open Interface Builder.

Double-Click FullScreenViewController.xib to launch Interface Builder

Go to the Attributes Inspector panel (Shortcut: Cmd + 1) and set Status Bar to None.

Set Status Bar to None

Go to the Size Inspector panel (Shortcut: Cmd + 3) and resize the View to 320 by 480 pixels.

Resize the View to 320 by 480 pixels

Save your file, close Interface Builder and go back to your XCode project. Click Build and Go to run your application in the iPhone Simulator. You will see that the Status Bar is still there.

Build the Application and see the Status Bar in iPhone Simulator

Take 2: Edit the Info.plist file

Double-Click Info.plist file in XCode to edit the file. Add an extra Key/Value pair and set its Key to UIStatusBarHidden.

Add the UIStatusBarHidden key to the Property List

Change the Value Type of UIStatusBarHidden to Boolean. A checkbox will now apear in the value column.

Change the Value type of UIStatusBarHidden to Boolean

Click the checkbox to do the FullScreen magic.

Click the checkbox to hide the Status Bar

Build the Application again and see that the Status Bar is now hidden in the iPhone Simulator.

The Status Bar is now hidden in iPhone Simulator

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